President Trump removes Stephen Bannon from National Security Council
And thats the bigger issue that were not facing.
He is unfit to serve and should resign today.George Santos to immediately resign.
This is why I called for his resignation.This will let the Third District participate in a valid election.this report confirms what we knew: George Santos is a fraud.
voted for his expulsion believe he needs to be removed from Congress.Congress did what it had to do.
I believe this is long overdue.
As the governor of the state who actually needs members of Congress who are focused on doing their jobs and delivering for New York.standing 397 feet tall and tipping the scales at more than 11 million pounds when fully fueled.
will continue firing for another five minutes or so.The goal of the flight is to send the Starship on a looping trajectory around the planet before re-entry and splashdown in the Pacific Ocean north of Hawaii.
The Super Heavys liftoff from SpaceXs Boca Chica flight test facility on the Texas Gulf Coast is targeted for 8 a.SpaceX The new staging system will be put to the test about two minutes and 40 seconds after liftoff when the first stage engines begin shutting down after boosting the rocket out of the dense lower atmosphere.