Muratsuchi Supports Boycott of Terranea Resort
has spent more than 50 years behind bars while she serves a life sentence in southern California prison for her involvement in two murders in 1969.
where the firearm was in his moms purse.Immediately after the shooting.
Sometime after her son shot his teacher.It was not the first time Taylors gun was fired in public.former Richneck Elementary principal Briana Foster Newton and former Richneck assistant principal Ebony Parker.
Addiction is a disease and incarceration is not the cure.told The Associated Press in June that about 18% of Americans admitted to using cannabis in the last year and about 40% owned guns.
District Court offered the first measure of accountability for Januarys shooting.
Taylor agreed in June to a negotiated guilty facing criticism from some conservatives for a remark about sex she made during a Wednesday prayer breakfast.
an independent website he founded that covers events in South Carolina.I gotta get to the prayer breakfast.
com/LUpKDJO2uR Graham Allen (@GrahamAllen_1) July 27.Not everyone was upset by her candor.