Bitcoin holders with 100 BTC or less scooped 254% of mined supply last month: Glassnode
One of the most heated exchanges was on terrorism -- a top concern for Le Pens voters and many French in the wake of repeated attacks since 2015.
with normally flooded areas reduced to shriveled ponds.Known for its lush landscapes and vibrant wildlife.
ROGERIO FLORENTINO/AFP/Getty Elsewhere.who is volunteering with a wildlife rescue group.Experts say the fires are mainly caused by human activity.
as Brazil suffers through a southern hemisphere spring of droughts and record heat.We call it gray hunger when fire reduces all the vegetation to ashes and there are no natural food sources left in the area for animals that survive the flames.
Theyre part of an invisible food chain.
where fires have burned 24 percent of the surface area.Floridas Parents Bill of Rights.
Florida is powerless to enforce a law its elected representatives have enacted for the protection of its children.The restaurant warned that many of the artists who perform at the establishment work in other venues across the state and would be forced to censor their performances to avoid violating Floridas law when appearing elsewhere if the injunction applied only to Hamburger Marys.
HMs establishment would become the only business in the State of Florida where performers have the freedom of speech and expression guaranteed by the First Amendment.finding Hamburger Marys is likely to succeed on its claims that the measure does not comport with the First Amendment.