North Korean ambassador urges US to come to nuke talks
the Republican chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committees panel on strategic forces.
Terrorists continue to lob bombs into Israel.Regardless of what the council decides.
and Russia abstained on the measure.attends a Security Council meeting on the Israel-Hamas war on November 10.What are they afraid of? she asked.
The resolution makes it seem as if what we are witnessing in Gaza happened of its own accord.Speaking at the Security Council.
ambassador Jonathan Miller criticized the resolution for focusing solely on the humanitarian situation in Gaza.
Israel will continue acting according to international law.are already at odds with the Israeli government over issues such as egalitarian prayer and recognition of religious conversions.
I think he made his view on the repugnancy of any neo-Nazism abundantly clear.said the prime minister did harm to the cause of Israel and the cause of the Jewish people by having such a delayed reaction.
avoiding any mention of the president or Charlottesville.Opposition politicians have been more strident and open in their criticism of Trump.