Jack Dorsey’s TBD launches decentralized web platform Web5_ww88
I am so grateful for every ww88moment I had with you Matty and I miss you every day.
The jury began deliberations shortly after noon Wednesday.The 43-year-old DePape told jurorsww88 he went to the Pelosis home as part of a bigger plot to end what he viewed as government corruption.
Testimony in the case wrapped up Tuesday.The defense made an argument which was basically trying to -- I think -- confuse the jury a little bit as to the elements of the crime and what are the legal elements.testified that his plan was to get Nancy Pelosi and other targets to admit to their corruption.ww88
California Congressman Adam Schiff.at one point re-playing audio of DePape telling law enforcement that Nancy Pelosi was the leader of the pack and highlighting why he went to the Pelosi home on October 28.
explained former federal prosecutor Anthony Brass.
the prosecution called the defenses argument of separating Pelosis official duties and political ones made-up to confuse the jury about the charges.The voting mayhem follows weeks of fears that Congress would be unable to reach a deal by the end of Septemberand less than 10 hours until the government was set to shut down.
containing parts of the Bronx and New York Citys northern suburbspulled the alarm.Bowman pulled a fire alarm at the Cannon building in Washington.
It will be interesting to see how he was treated.according to House Republicans.