Seoul urges Pyongyang to confirm status of S. Korean detainees
business and energy secretary Jacob Rees-Mogg said Thursday.
Tuesday when conditions became too dangerousmilitary veterans Andy Tai Ngoc Huynh and Alexander Drueke left their homes in Alabama to serve with Ukraines army on the battlefield.
Relatives spoke with Drueke several times by phone while the two were being held.They were reportedly captured by Russian forces during fighting in eastern Ukraine in June 2022.British Prime Minister Liz Truss heralded the release on social media.
Drueke joined the Army at age 19 after the terror attacks of Sept.Russian state television had previously said Drueke and Huynh were being held by Russian-backed separatist forces in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine.
The United Kingdom confirmed that five British nationals had been released.
They are safely in the custody of the U.former secretary of defense under U.
Moon had a closed meeting at Cheong Wa Dae with Gallucci.President Donald Trump to urge him to begin talks with North Korea.
and he and Moon discussed how to resolve the tension peacefully.Gallucci was one of the key members who drew up the Agreed Framework between the U.