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chi?n s? c?a l?c l??ng quan ??i nhan dan.
The Ministry of Construction has been recognized as the most streamlined ministry over the past four government terms.the proposal recommends reducing the number of units from 42 to 25-27.
Director of the Personnel and Organization Department at the Ministry of Construction.the number of subordinate units will decrease from 42 to around 25-27.including new mandates for urban development and digital transformation.
Preparing for the mergerThe merger plan aligns with Resolution 18.Following the planned merger of the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Transport.
and five public service units.
Localities are also proactively developing similar proposals for merging construction and transport departments to ensure cohesive implementation across all levels.tác gi?: Nguy?n ?ình T?.
T?ng Biên t?p Báo Nhan dan Lê Qu?c Minh.b? sách ???c trao gi?i.
??i ng? nh?ng ng??i làm xu?t b?n trong c? n??c s? lu?n hoàn thành s? m?nh cao c?.T?ng biên t?p Báo Nhan Dan.