Bitmex Sued For Alleged Illegal Activities
Bangladesh -- The faces of the men half-buried in the mass graves had been burned away by acid or blasted by bullets.
Peter Kaluma said opposition legislator and lawyer T.Odinga updated his Twitter profile to call himself President of the Republic of Kenya.
regional director of media rights group Article 19.The motive was clearly political.Musyoka was to take the oath as Odingas deputy as the opposition leader declared himself the peoples president.
The 73-year-old Odinga called Tuesdays ceremony a step toward establishing a functioning democracy in Kenya.The government has outlawed the oppositions National Resistance Movement.
Membership in such a group can lead to imprisonment up to 10 years under Kenyan law.
claiming a lack of electoral reforms.and the analysis of the facts hasnt yet been completed.
more than a week after the previous report that identified the train car that caused the derailmentsaid that train operators attempted to stop the train when a wayside defect detector sounded a critical alarm that alerted the crew to a hot axle.The National Transportation Safety Board recently released a report determining that an overheated wheel bearing was the cause.
A subsequent fire caused damage to 12 other carsthe two women could face the death penalty.