Los Angeles student sues convicted perv teacher after months of sexual abuse
Ambassador Lana Nusseibeh said to diplomats.
Article 32 preliminary hearingThe Article 32 preliminary hearing.The hearing is akin to a grand jury process in civilian courts in which prosecutors are required to show probable cause.
Stockin says he has been wrongly accused and is innocent.it has become rare for them to do so.The Army has six months to review the claims.
TheArticle 32hearing had been scheduled to take place on Joint Base Lewis McChord.Inconsistencies in that testimony may be fodder for cross examination at trial.
I think its a missed opportunity.
the Defense Advisory Committee on Sexual Assault in the Military found that the military had even been sending sexual assault cases to court martial after a hearing officer found no probable cause.an AeroCaribbean flight from Santiago to Havana went down in bad weather.
The fire was quickly extinguished.killing all 126 people on board and at least two dozen on the ground.
in what was the countrys worst air disaster in more than two decades.and none of the 104 people aboard were injured.