98-year-old German man is charged with accessory to murder at Nazi concentration camp
president of the Milbank Memorial Fund.
warned this could lead to less global freedom of expression.Haley said during a Tuesday morning appearance on the Ruthless Podcast.
DeSantis and Haley have been battling for second place in early-voting states.bringing her to a tie with DeSantis in the latest Des Moines Register/NBC polling.brought up the Federalist Papers and said on X.
This is a national security threat.Social media companies have to do a way better job policing that.
especially by foreign actors
or otherwise prevented from pursuing charges or taking the steps necessary in the investigation by other United States Attorneys.who are on the International Space Station.
but the high volume of space debris in LEO was caused in part by two events: the destruction of a Chinese spacecraft.Both increased the debris in this area by about 70% and also increased the chances of other spacecraft colliding.
000 tons of debris in LEO and removal is expensive.During a nearly seven-hour spacewalk.