Two Koreas in talks over summit: Reuters
H?o Nguy?n tìm th?y tham kh?o.
yet the world started far ahead of us.though different from those of 1986.
stagnation is a real and present concern.and welcome to our distinguished guests.we are even on par with or ahead of the world.
it feels as though we are embarking on a new Renewal - one that builds on the foundation of the past.I still see this as one of Vietnams most valuable potentials.
trailing behind the rest of the world.
it must be said that we have missed many valuable opportunities.H?i ngh? ATC 2024 s? kéo dài t? 17-19/10.
Phát bi?u t?i h?i ngh?.kinh doanh ??n nang cao ch?t l??ng cu?c s?ng cho ng??i dan.
Các gi?i pháp c?ng ngh? tiên ti?n ?? tham nh?p sau vào m?i khía c?nh c?a cu?c s?ng hi?n ??i - bi?n ??i cách chúng ta làm vi?c.thúc ??y các trao ??i nghiên c?u và ?ào t?o có giá tr? trong l?nh v?c.