North Korea announces firing of 2 train-borne guided missiles into East Sea
bà con trong vùng ch? bán ??n s?n ph?m th?.
The newspaper said the decision made at the ninth session of the 14th Supreme Peoples Assembly was based on the stern strategic assessment that Pyongyangs status as a nuclear state should never be compromised but further strengthened.The status as a nuclear state has become irreversible.
A move to advance and improve nuclear weapons will be carried out powerfully.The newspaper denounced the strengthening security cooperation among South Korea.YonhapA pro-North Korean newspaper said Thursday that Pyongyangs status as a nuclear state has become irreversible with the recent stipulation of a nuclear force-building policy in its constitution
I think its nuclear weapons are unnegotiable at this point.also thinks Pyongyang will seek such a disarmament deal with Washington ― most likely after the U.
They also said this could all be part of the Norths groundwork for its next step: seeking nuclear disarmament talks with Washington.
it is an expression most suitable for the U.?p tai g??ng ngo?i th?t.
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