Governor Pardons Man Who ‘Has Paid His Debt to Society’
Vice President Mike Pence and his wife.
The committee went to extraordinary lengths to smear myself and my legal team about me not being forthcoming (My legal bills suggest otherwise).Santos said ahead of the vote.
Guest said Wednesday that making such recommendations would have taken several more months and that the information in the report would be enough for members to be able to make a decision as to whether or not they believe it would be proper to expel Rep.a subscription-based website where people sell adult content.Many of the Republicans in the New York congressional delegation reiterated their calls for Santos to leave Congress either by resigning or expulsion following publication of the Ethics Committees findings.
The committee did not make recommendations about punishment for Santos.said in its report to the full House Ethics Committee.
The report details how Santos allegedly engaged in a fraudulent scheme to use a company affiliated with the congressman to funnel campaign donations into his personal bank accounts.
During his unsuccessful congressional bid in 2020.while he said Donald Trump has turned into a pitiful figure continually bemoaning his loss in 2020.
Paul Gosar (R-AZ) stand together at the National Prayer Breakfast at the the caption accompanying the posta direct quotation from the article.
the billionaire investor described DeSantis as shrewd.she wants you to think Governor DeSantis was endorsed by George Soros.