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moments after the House Ethics Committee released a blistering report that found substantial evidence of wrongdoing.
residence for reasons of safety.She said she has suffered death threats and doxxing following the media coverage of her attack.
A federal judge has sentenced Kendrid Hamlin of Washington.I apologize for the pain Ive caused.She was bruised and injured.
Hamlin has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and has a lengthy history of substance abuse and suicide attempts.I apologize to Angie Craig for putting my hands on her.
Craig described the after-effects of the assault.
Craig told CBS News she managed to escape by throwing her hot coffee on Hamlin and racing out the doors at the next floor.Anna Chapman and Other Alleged Russian Spies Arrested 38 photos In 2004.
the special resources that work within the counter terrorism network that I coordinate across the country and other partners are working with Wiltshire police.What they find will determine what happens next.
Facebook For the past 36 hours.A couple seen walking on security camera video are believed to be Skripal and a woman identified as his daughter Yulia.