Fort Sill Protest Held in Little Tokyo
Featherman and another woman even got into a brief physical fight.
Go live in Israel … go back to your country! he tells the person confronting them.which read: Israel is an apartheid state and commits genocide.
the man replies defiantly: ‘Very proud.but Freepoint does not tolerate discrimination and hate speech directed against any group.Mistry refused to meet with reporters on Wednesday.
” the woman snaps angrily as she and the man both flip their middle fingers at the camera.”@MrAndyNgo / XThe woman identified as Gupta also recorded the incident.
heated indoor pool — bore the brunt of his ire.
Gupta accuses Israelis of being rapists.Two other older boys entered the water.
Firefighters arrived and rescued the two trapped on the ledge.Fire and police officials had the spillway shut down for the search efforts and even used rafts and drones to look for the missing boy.
Rescuers found the body of a third boy in the water soon after.The four were fishing in the waters behind Lake Overholser Dam as part of a birthday celebration when two decided to go for a swim.