Trump and Putin unironically discussed forming a 'cyber security unit'
this is fighting for United States.
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders / ReutersThe White House is still hopeful the summit between North Koreas Kim Jong-un and US President Donald Trump will proceed despite Pyongyangs threat to cancel it.first vice foreign minister Kim Kye-gwan said in a statement carried by state media.
The president is ready if the meeting takes place.Were still hopeful that the meeting will take place and well continue down that path.If the US is trying to drive us into a corner to force our unilateral nuclear abandonment.
In recent weeks Kim has twice met Chinese President Xi Jinping and Pyongyang has announced it will destroy its nuclear testing site next week.weve been prepared that these might be tough negotiations.
The North warned it may back out of the high-level summit -- set for June 12 in Singapore -- if the United States pressures it to relinquish its nuclear arsenal.
spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said additional damages determined during a trial.
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