Ship linked to NK arms shipments to Russia is moored in China: US State Dept._king88
According toking88 the Kamisu Citypolice.
The initial discoveries revealed a settlement area from the pre-Dong Son period.alongside king88other relevant organizations.
forming a necropolis from at least two overlapping periods.a researcher at the Institute of Archaeology.Photos: Institute oking88f ArchaeologyAlthough the excavation at Vuon Chuoi is nearing completion.
They provide deeper insights into how ancient communities managed their living spaces to address challenges posed by both natural and social environments.Vuon Chuoi has not yet received the same level of recognition as the Dong Dau site.
has been listed as a heritage site under inventory.
A team of archaeologists has unveiled significant findings related to the Bronze Age at the Vuon Chuoi Archaeological Site.According to the latest information from Vietnamese representatives in the Middle East.
and ensure readiness for any necessary protective or evacuation measures.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has instructed Vietnamese diplomatic missions in Japan to work closely with local authorities to gather information.
officially designating South Korea as a hostile nation.Update on two missing citizens in JapanRegarding two Vietnamese citizens who went missing while fishing in Japan.