Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom have apparently broken up
the company announced Wednesday.
5% voting for it at Stellantis.the union targeted individual plants at all three automakers.
Thousands of UAW members joined picket lines in targeted strikes starting Sept.1% of workers voted in favor so far with only a few large factories still counting.would dramatically raise pay for autoworkers
went into government-funded bankruptcies.Rather than striking at one company.
2008 concessionsCiting the automakers strong profits.
The contract took steps toward ending lower tiers of wages for newer hires.Facebook banned Myanmars powerful military chief and 19 other individuals and organizations from its site to prevent the spread of hate and misinformation in connection with the Rohingya crisis.
Haley told the Security Council during a discussion of the Rohingya crisis last week that a free and responsible press is critical for any democracy.Myanmar --A Myanmar court sentenced two Reuters journalists to seven years in prison Monday for illegal possession of official documents.
saying the conviction of the journalists on politically motivated charges heralds a return to the media repression seen during military rule in Myanmar.Europen Union Ambassador to Myanmar Kristian Schmidt sent a tweet -- a file photo of him meeting the imprisoned journalists -- using the hashtag #freeWaLoneKyawSoeOo.