North Korea may be ready to roll out new ballistic missile submarine: 38 North
anonymous sources with knowledge of Pences plans said that he believes he can defy the subpoena by arguing the speech or debate clause.
At a time when antisemitism is exploding in America and surging around the world.according to data released by the ADL.
The service has seen a 30% decline in the number of people actively tweeting.while critics say he has allowed hate speech to flourish on X.ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt wrote on X.
The comment stemmed from an X users post that claimed Jews have been pushing the exact kind of dialectical hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them.threatening in September to sue the group for purportedly accusing both him and X of antisemitism.
down about 55% from Musks original purchase price.
including those working on content moderation.reaching all the way up to the apex predator.
Firefighters tackle forest fires in the Pantanal wetland near Porto raging wildfires reduce vast expanses to scorched earth.
the Pantanal is home to the worlds biggest tropical wetlands and.The Pantanal is a region thats used to fires.