$54 Million Next-Door Luxury Mansions Put Up for Sale by Identical Twins
Photo by EZEQUIEL BECERRA/AFP via Getty ImagesRashid added that Moherat was taken to a hospital to treat his injuries.
Andrew Burton/Getty ImagesShukri Abdirahman.??ATTENTION??You so called Americans outraged by my below tweet calling for my account to be suspended should go back read the Constitution.
Users raised alarms on Twitter Friday after a former Republican House candidate called for violence in response to the so-called Twitter files.suggests people take up arms in response to the Twitter Files thread by Matt Taibbi.some figures on the right have continued to hail the Twitter files as a major scandal.
who reported the tweet and called for others to do so as well.ultimately losing the primary to Cicely Davis.
the messages showed leaders at Twitter uncertain about the source of the story.
People need to start getting consequences for fomenting civil war.Fentanyl Bust!!!Extremely proud of our #USBP agents @NuecesCoSo authorities who worked together.
of the liquid fentanyl in a compartment within a gas tank.$3 million worth of fentanyl was discovered in July near the U.
-Mexico border in California after officers found that it was hidden in the spare tire and gas tank of a vehicle.the DEA said in its statement.