N. Korea celebrates completion of building more new homes in Pyongyang
expanding the number of specialized delegate conferences.
Tweet may have been deleted Players can also rearrange and shuffle the board to make spotting connections easier.Connections can be played on both web browsers and mobile devices and require players to group four words that share something in common.
you can jump to the end of this article for todays Connections solution.If a player gets all four words in a set correct.each group is color-coded with yellow being the easiest.
But if youd rather solve it yourself.The Times credits associate puzzle editor Wyna Liu with helping to create the new word game and bringing it to the publications Games section.
transcoded_urls:[https:\/\/zmgvideos.T?i l?i h?i: V?y các c? già ?i ?n c? thì sao? Mía c?ng.
Nh?ng ?i?u khi?n t?i ?n t??ng nh?t l?i kh?ng ph?i phong c?nh hay b?a ti?c linh ?ình.t?i g?i ng??i ph?c v?.
T?i th?c s? b?t ng? nên h?i: Tráng mi?ng b?ng mía ??.Nh?ng bay gi? suy ngh? c?ng ?? khác h?n nhi?u.