Adidas shuts down homophobic bullies on same-sex Valentine’s Day post
Trump had traded his bellicose threats of fire and fury for bouquets of flattery.
New Secretary of State Mike Pompeo sounded disparaging when offering to enable North Koreans to eat meat if Pyongyang opted to denuclearize.What do these things tell us? It is about Trump theatrics ― making his cancelation letter look like a very polite rain check on their June 12 meeting.
but delayed: USFK commander 2018-05-25 21:05|North Korea Moons broker role faces setback 2018-05-25 15:54|North Korea At least it is safe to say that Kim did not have the original hard copy of the letter in his hand when he heard of the news.which could mean the letter was revealed to the public even before Kim himself read it.The letter addressed Kim as His Excellency.
instead asking Kim to pick a couple of dates he would be available for their summit.Trump chose to lump the two together and cited their tremendous anger and open hostility as the reason to can the summit.
Kim may release a letter of his own thanking Trump for his thoughtful suggestions and invite him to Pyongyang for talks.
it requires no less than Kim Jong-uns involvement.changes to Medicare physician payments must preserve budget neutrality.
long-term health care management that primary care physicians provide.There is a public out there that is dissatisfied with the lack of access to a routine source of care.
It accounted for less than 5% of health care spending in 2020 significantly less than the average spending by countries that are members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.and it is our top priority on the Hill right now.