Stephen Colbert's alter ego Randy gave Barack Obama career advice
and educating them about managing their chronic conditions.
Ten districts and the provincial capital of Kupanng were affected by flashfloods and a landslide that damaged five bridges and several public facilities in East Nusa Tenggara province.The lava was left after the volcano erupted in November.
Relief efforts were hampered by power outages.but residents were urged to monitor forecasts.Authorities were still collecting information about the full scale of casualties and damage in the affected areas.
and at least 10 bodies were recovered elsewhere in the tiny nation as rains caused landslides and dams to overflow.East Timor President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo offered his condolences to the victims and asked government officials to coordinate the response.
police and disaster agency to carry out emergency response measures as quickly as possible.
Basarnas/Reuters Lembata.likening it to opening Pandoras box.
Court filing 6 Kayelee Gates and her fiancé.Google MapsHe pleaded guilty on October 4.
6 The couple’s attorney said they are concerned that recordings have already made it to the internet.they found the hidden cameras.