‘People Are Sorely Mistaken’: Maggie Haberman Debunks Key Trump Assumption
Hundreds died as a result of the 2021 power crisis in Texas.
and Q exploits those very well.with numerous other conspiracy narratives woven into it.
Its a fairly apocalyptic worldview and world that you create.Various experts on German conspiracy groups estimate that over 200.but that it has nothing to do with us.
managing director of the German Center for Monitoring.as well as having a campaign around children and child abuse.
noted how German-speaking social media users had helped spread the conspiracy.
She said: You saw a big overlap between Reichsbrger when it comes to QAnon beliefs because the core idea is pretty similar.rioters sought to disrupt the certification process in an effort to keep Trump in power
Ukrainian forces have repelled Russian assaults near the city of Bakhmut as the battle for it results in a deadlock.Another Russian milblogger claimed that Russian forces have not yet captured Opytne and will likely not conduct a full-fleged assault on Bakhmut in the near term due to the likely associated high costs.
Ukrainian officials said they repelled the Russian assaults southwest of Avdiivka.this time he did not add anything about being ahead of schedule).