‘Enduring Conviction’ Author to Speak at JANM
marine ecologist Salvador Jorgensen of California State University Monterey Bay.
dated the victim while on the outs with Armstrong.More On: fugitives NJ National Guardsman wanted over Capitol riots turns himself in after manhunt NYC pols urge gunman who killed father and stepson to surrender — or locals to ‘snitch.
Armstrong was questioned by police but fled the country almost immediately.Marshals ServiceShe was hunted down by US Marshals after 43 days in a Costa Rican hostel.but the department said the officers did not draw their firearms and were able to keep her in their sights for the entirety of her short-lived escape.
The accused murderer drastically altered her face and used several aliases as she moved around the country while attempting to establish herself as a yoga instructor.did not immediately respond to The Post’s request for comment — a staff member who answered the phone said the case is under a gag order.
The suspected killer ran more than a block into a residential area before the officers were able to recapture her.
It’s not clear whether Armstrong was wearing shackles or handcuffs when she broke from the deputies.It would be one of the hardest decisions shed ever make.
[Brandons] world got very small after his brain injury and its sort of gotten bigger again.The two had married just two years earlier when they both were 21.
She turned to God and asked for guidance.They were unable to tell me if he was alive or not.