JACL Statement on ‘Allegiance’
and the UCLA Foundation for the UCLA Mattel Childrens Hospital to expand pediatric care and improve care for.
YonhapOn Sunday during the North Korea-Cuba summit.while the two countries are in conflicts with the U.
Diaz-Canels visit to North Korea marked the first by a Cuban president since former President Fidel Castros 1986 visit.friendship and solidarity of the peoples of the two countries.North Koreas state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported Monday
though Diaz-Canel has traveled to North Korea before.North Koreas protocols for visiting dignitaries [PHOTOS] 2018-11-06 19:13|North Korea Following a 21-gun salute from the Korean Peoples Army.
with Kim repeatedly stressing the strategic and comradely friendship with Cuba.
During the talks at the Paekhwawon State Guest House in Sunday afternoon.Known for its spectacular bamboo decorations.
was sidelined again this year due to the continuing threat the COVID pandemic presents.The JACCC and the JANM agreed to partner with the LATF to ensure that the giant kazari from Sendai will be on display as part of the 2021 Nisei Week Virtual Experience.
and Brian Kito of the Little Tokyo Public Safety Association.The Los Angeles Tanabata Festival seeks to maintain a presence in the spirit of community outreach and understanding.