Unification minister stresses importance of principle-based policy on N. Korea
các ti?t m?c bi?u di?n ???c chu?n b? và t?p luy?n r?t c?ng phu.
ho?t ??ng tch c?c v tinh nhanh h?n.Earable c?ng c nhi?u c? h?i ph?i h?p ?? gi?i thi?u s?n ph?m Frenz Brainband.
Vi?c tham gia Vietnam Venture Summit c?ng gip Earable gi?i thi?u ni?m t? ho c?a mnh t?i cc nh ??u t? v cc ??i tc ti?m n?ng.Sau 8 n?m nghin c?u.Frenz Brainband l chi?c vng ?eo ??u c ch?c n?ng theo di chnh xc v kch ho?t ch?c n?ng no b?.
khng gian lm vi?c v gi?i thi?u s?n ph?m ?? h? tr?.pht tri?n Earable tr? thnh m?t trong nh?ng doanh nghi?p ??i m?i sng t?o tin phong c?a Vi?t Nam vo n?m 2030 nh? m?c tiu Sng ki?n ??i m?i sng t?o Vi?t Nam (InnovateVN) do B? K? ho?ch v ??u t? kh?i x??ng v?a ???c cng b?.
gip ng??i ?eo ng? ngon h?n.
ngu?n nhn s? ti n?ng.and in accordance with international law.
Regarding global and regional issues.and modern transport means which help connect the two economies.
agencies and localities; and 15 memoranda of understanding on cooperation between their universities.laying a foundation to expand bilateral cooperation in all areas.