This guy leaves fake costumes in Halloween stores and it's amazingly awkward
2019 She then replied to a Twitter user who commended her for taking quick action to help.
one of the cosmonauts radioed Russian flight controllers.But instead of staying locked on.
Ovchinin and Skvortsov were monitoring from the Zvezda module at the back end of the space station.We just want to let you know the KURS is having difficulty locking onto the target and we wanted to make sure youre awake.time from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.
1a booster to launch astronauts and cosmonauts to the station and to check out a variety of Soyuz upgrades.Roscosmos said in the web posting.
the cosmonauts again reported they had lost visual contact with the Soyuz and Vladimir Solovyov.
Were making every attempt we can think of to try to track it down visually right now.Normally the Speakers chair is only used by Presiding Officers but today a VIP took the chair with me.
Congratulations @tamaticoffey and Tim on the newest member of your family.Australian Senator Larissa Waters breastfed her baby in parliament.
New Zealands House of Representatives welcomed a special guest during Wednesdays parliamentary debates: an infant.who made his debut in the speaker of the Houses seat.