Reminder: Zoom Will Lift Its 40-Minute Cap on Thanksgiving
The 75-year-old Mnangagwa has tried to recast himself as a voice of change.
What gives you the most hope in this situation? Ninan said.She recently spoke with CBS News Reena Ninan about the treatment of women in Iran.
Just today I received a video from a woman.What you have to understand is we are not fighting against a small piece of cloth.But I want to say that the Islamic Republic of Iran didnt only want to break me -- they wanted to break the Iranian women who joined my campaign.
We are actually challenging the foundational block of the Islamic Republic of Iran.I took off my hijab and I say louder -- no to compulsory hijab.
a prominent Iranian journalist and activist.
None of the promises of the Revolution have been delivered so far.he should resign and work out an agreement with the Justice Department.
The bipartisan Ethics Committee confirmed what most New Yorkers knew months ago: George Santos is a total fraud who stole an election to get to Congress.he feels it would not have a major issue by the 2024 election.
committed fraud should not serve in the House of Representatives.This is why I called for his resignation.