Did you miss Pepe and Bonk? Memeinator (MMTR) could be next
When Truth Social launched in 2022.
warning drivers to proceed with caution.Thats why we still have so many pedestrian accidents.
where similar kid-shaped warning signs.But people think there are no alternatives.many barely wide enough for a car to slip through remnants of an era when the main form of transportation was two legs yet the country has begun to adopt traffic calming infrastructure modifications to get drivers to slow down.
parents in areas without a Running Boy think.cartoony signs have become the go-to line of defense for towns and PTAs looking to protect pint-sized pedestrians on residential streets.
all traffic fatalities dropped from 16.
on streets across the country.The source of her ailment? Water beads.
the seemingly harmless birthday gift we bought for her older sisters 6th birthday.Legislation is a much more direct way.
Regulatory steps that can be taken by CPSC to prevent water beads from being on store shelves could take years and still face court challenges.whose daughter Kennedy was seriously injured by water beads in November 2022.