Black veteran serving life in Louisiana prison over $30 drug sale is set to be freed
went into government-funded bankruptcies.
diplomats at a meeting of the Global Call to Action on the World Drug Problem.Trump for focusing a global spotlight on the world drug problem.
we commit to fighting the drug epidemic together.a former White House official who now teaches at Georgetown University.Sharing intelligence among member states.
Opening the presidents week at the Umembers are on the same side as the United States.
Despite campaign promises and a high-level focus on international drug trafficking.
Ive always said the United Nations has tremendous potential.with their new title of UNICEF Global Supporters.
the education segment of an ambitious program called Youth2030 of the Secretary General.particularly in conflict zones and has created aSchool-in-a-Box programto ensure the continuation of childrens education by the first 72 hours of an emergency.
Secretary-General Antnio Guterres.will see all seven BTS boy band members perform at an event entitled.