NK considering providing military support to Russia: US NSC_BONG88
according to estimates frBONG88om the Association of American Medical Colleges.
2020 Both SOHR and Syrian state media said the American forces called in helicopter gunships that struck the checkpoint.Syria envoy slams Russia for failing to reaBONG88ch compromise in Idlib 07:36 SOHR said it was the first deadly clash involving the myriad foreign forces in Syria in six months.
but tension in the northern part of the country has been high.conducting a routine anti-ISIS security patrol near Tal Al-Zahab.when SyrBONG88ian troops refused to allow a U.
military all operate in the area.patrol to cross a checkpoint near Qamishli air base.
which left one soldier dead and two others wounded.
State news agency SANA said one soldier was killed and two wounded after an American patrol tried to enter the area of the deployment of one of our combat formations in the countryside of the city of Qamishli.lived on the ninth floor of a building facing the port.
In a panic and fearing the building would collapse.injured thousands and plunged Lebanon into a deeper political crisis.
Everything you wanted will be present except you in a white wedding dress.I still cant believe hes no longer here.