VOX POPULI: My Gold Star Grandparents
What Ive taken can never be replaced.
will soften the countrys stance on womens reproductive rights -- starting with an acquittal for Hernndez.Recent public opinion polls in El Salvador show broad support for more lenient abortion laws.
even in cases of rape and incest.Women who turn up at public hospitals following a miscarriage are sometimes accused of having killed the fetus.Missouri abortion ban could go on the ballot in 2020 05:09 The trial of Hernndez.
Dozens of women have been jailed in El Salvador with similar convictions.and for medical practitioners who might assist them.
which carries a maximum 40-year sentence.
is set to begin Monday in what looks to be the first test for womens reproductive rights under Bukele.So the jury taking time means theyre not just considering the sort of violence and brutality of what weve seen.
Other names on his list included California Gov.He was never my target and Im sorry that he got hurt.
at one point re-playing audio of DePape telling law enforcement that Nancy Pelosi was the leader of the pack and highlighting why he went to the Pelosi home on October 28.residential burglary and other felonies.