Apple gives the world what it needs, a facepalm emoji
a tour guide named Steve Hurst.
stopping by for about 10 minutes.including Barack Obama and George W.
and supporters and did not seem to have (or be serving) any customers.included a screengrab from an article saying: Trump tells restaurant patrons Food for everyone! then leaves without paying.whose footage shows Trump saying in the direction of the kitchen: Are you ready? Are you ready? Food for everyone! Food for everyone.
where he was greeted by a large crowd of press and supporters.tweeted: NEW: Donald Trump STIFFED Miami restaurant where he did a publicity stunt after arrest and arraignment.
Claims also began spreading on social media after his trip alleging that hed offered to buy supporters and turn-outs food but wound up stiffing the restaurant by not paying the bill.
Newsweek contacted Versailles Restaurant.where members must vote to approve them.
Although the United Auto Workers framed its tentative agreement last month with Detroits Big 3 automakers as a huge win for labor.a growing number of union members seem to think otherwise.
But whats happening with the Big 3 is slightly different.labor experts told CBS MoneyWatch.