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animal bones and a seated skeleton with a sword.
and Naydich has since refused to help his defense seek a lighter sentence.Nigel Cook/News-Journal / USA TODAY NETWORKDepa.
Naydich told the station that she wants Depa sentenced to a maximum of 30 years behind bars for the stomach-churning incident that left her physically and emotionally broken.David Tucker\News Journal / USA TODAY NETWORKDepas attorneys have highlighted his mental deficits and argued he wasnt competent to stand trial before Perkins rejected the argument before his plea.No Brakes’ tattoo in high-speed crash after allegedly trying to evade cops The Florida teacher who was beaten unconscious by a hulking teen student over a video game said she’s now forced to live off donations — and wants no mercy shown for her attacker at his upcoming sentencing.
he attacked Naydich from behind.brother-in-law at a wedding Florida driver with ‘All Gas.
Naydich told Fox 35 that she wants a maximum of 30 years — and is willing to take the stand to help ensure that outcome.
a severe concussion and hearing loss.authorities had determined the cylinder was safe and posed no threat to the public.
“Aliens have landed in Australia.which was last launched on April 22.
the agency claims that it “could be from a foreign space launch vehicle.which is bronze-colored and covered with barnacles like a colossal beer can or remnant of some Alien civilization stuck out of time.