L.A. Theatre Works Adds ‘Innocent When You Dream’ to Audio Series
3 million for the first six months of 2023.
which claimed officers gave Irizarry multiple commands to drop a knife.said she was relieved that Dial was charged for the shooting.
What each of them saw when he looked into that car was glare and what appeared to be a weapon.softly moaning as Dial shouts.and showed just how quickly Dial shot him.
but at least hes paying for a crime he committed.6 Bodycam video shows Philadelphia Police Officer Mark Dial with his weapon drawn pointing at Eddie Irizarry on August 14th.
and then-Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw said she intended to fire him at the end of the suspension.
reckless endangerment of another person and official oppression for the Aug.” Joan Naydich told Fox 35.
became enraged after a teacher confiscated his Nintendo Switch.who officials said is autistic.
“My whole life was just turned upside down.Joan NaydichNaydich returned to the school under a different title in August but was then placed on an unpaid leave of absence.