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The 12-0 vote was not unanimous.
Salucci-McDermott is not the only Cobargo resident disappointed in the prime minister.I told him it was a war zone
Ghosn flew from Japan through Istanbul on a private jet and then on to Lebanon where friends say hes holed up in a house in Beirut.that he hid in a double bass case.There are claims that he escaped with a band who was playing in his building at the time.
The affair grew into a scandal in Japan which hurt both Nissans brand and its business.Ghosn was a titan in car manufacturing.
Interpol has issued a request for the Lebanese police to arrest Ghosn.
he is admired as a local boy who became very successful.He spear-headed Irans involvement in the Syrian civil war.
his unilateral killing on Iraqi soil has drawn a vow of revenge from denounce President Trumps declaration of Jerusalem as Israels capital.
Iraq invaded Iran and began the two countries long.Solemani oversaw the Guards foreign operations and soon would come to the attention of Americans following the 2003 invasion of Iraq and the overthrow of Saddam Hussein.