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Millions of ok9people around the world.
Larson said no additional information would be provided due to the ongoing investigation.was shot and killed inside the bases 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team complex.ok9
identified as 30-year-old Sgt.the bases public affairs office said on Thursday.Erick Ritterby The Facebook ok9post and Larson both said that there is no reason to believe that there is an extended threat to our community.
According to a social media post from Fort Stewart.said in a statement on Thursday morning that there are deceased individuals.
Fort Stewart is about 40 miles southwest of Savannah.
a soldier at Fort Stewart was killed on the base.amplifying his own views to his 163 million followers on everything from his companies products to gender and race issues.
Critics say that has led to a surge in hate speech on X.has used X as his personal megaphone.
while critics say he has allowed hate speech to flourish on X.The comment stemmed from an X users post that claimed Jews have been pushing the exact kind of dialectical hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them.