Oh god, Hulu deepfaked Damian Lillard into its own TV commercial
So much more we could be doing.
All three of the speakers in the video.and immediately started persecuting the Jewish population.
Inna said that while many have fled to safety.The ravine where the mass shootings took place.particularly those who survived the Holocaust.
Russias invasion of Ukraine has unleashed significant devastation.She said that fear is not the word to describe how shes feeling now.
which helps provide services to them and thousands of other elderly Jews with the help of the international nonprofit Claims Conference.
any paths that exist to stop it it must be stopped.Bulgaria and Slovakia as countries having discussions with the U.
he implored them to give him planes to keep Russia at bay.the Russians have struck targets with no regard for civilian infrastructure.
She noted the logistical challenges of physically transferring the planes from Poland to Ukraine.because procuring new planes and transferring serious weapons systems often take years to do from the United States.