INTO THE NEXT STAGE: Learning Japanese and the Shimajiro Connection
They were initially identified through a Hubble program called the Frontier Fields.
please sit them down and show them these pictures.The burns come from pressurized gas in the spray cooling quickly.
The Deodorant Challengeisnt Facebook user shared photos a year ago related to the challenge.She said the incident happened on April 18.
is warning parents on social media about a challenge she says left her daughter with severe burns.YouTube pulls videos of dangerous Tide Pod challenge 01:04.
calling it the Tide Pod Challenge.
Its just horrendous and needs stopping.which would be in no ones interest.
and an Israeli warplane was shot down during the battle.Pro-government media said Syrian missiles were then fired at Israeli forces.
Syrian activists said the onslaught lasted more than five hours.We strongly support Israels right to defend itself.