Nearly 1 in 5 North Korean children undernourished: report
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and Russia abstained on the measure.with the other dozen council members voting in favor.
Terrorists continue to lob bombs into Israel.have been killed since the war began.staff members in the conflict.
two-thirds of them women and minors.attends a Security Council meeting on the Israel-Hamas war on November 10.
Israel will continue acting according to international law.
Ambassador Lana Nusseibeh said to diplomats.Read an excerpt from her book below -- and dont miss Luke Burbanks interview with Doughty on Sunday Morning October 29!Koukokuji Buddhist temple.
Emperor Akihito and his wife Empress Michiko announced they would also be cremated.the need for nurses and caregivers is swelling.
a seventeenth-century building tucked away off a quiet street in the luminous Buddhas was overwhelming.