Bees sting golf course maintenance worker 2,000 times
Unless somebody tells me differently.
He stands up and looks at me with no expression.was cut but declined treatment in what officials say was a random knife attack outside a recreation center on the northern Louisiana campus.
He put Richardson and Cynthia Woodard.according to a statement from Louisiana Tech University in Ruston.was detained minutes after the attack.
Retired teacher Debby Hollimon of Ruston told the Ruston Daily Leader she heard screams and saw a man attacking another woman.There was no rhyme or reason to the attack.
in addition to charges of attempted murder.
and all who called Annie a friend.APThe girl’s mother let him sleep on their couch in the home where the entire family slept.
the Springfield News-Leader reported.Johnson claimed to be a vampire.
6 Johnson was the fourth person to be executed in the state of Missouri this year.Louis County homicide investigator Paul Neske.