NALIP to Screen ‘No Más Bebés’
ásBebéMacri promised a full investigation after the submarine was lost.
ásBebéwhat gas station in South Florida still has gas?.ásBebéDrivers put fuel in vehicles at a gas station on January 23.
ásBebéand the situation would be over quicker.ásBebéstations could likely resupply themselves faster.ásBebémore motorists are driving around looking for gasoline.
ásBebétold The Palm Beach Post that gasoline terminals at Port Everglades are already back in service and that fuel supplies in the area should get back to normal in the coming days.ásBebétweeted CBS News Miami correspondent Cristian Benavides while posting one of these images.
ásBebéor just buy what they immediately need.
ásBebéStations are having a hard time making up lost time.ásBebéThis side-by-side comparison of galaxy cluster MACS0416 as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope in optical light (left) and the James Webb Space Telescope in infrared light (right) reveals different details.
ásBebéexperts involved in the massive study have colloquially named the bundle of celestial objects the Christmas Tree Galaxy Cluster because of its distinctively polychromatic appearance.ásBebéthe resulting picture shows a distant pair of colliding galaxy clusters through a range of light wavelengths so vast it seems to sparkle with color.
ásBebéThe announcement itself came alongside a handful of images of the Christmas Tree cluster.ásBebéWe are building on Hubbles legacy by pushing to greater distances and fainter objects.