JANM Mourns the Passing of Mary Karasawa
some of which wound up with Mark.
” according to a police report.It wasnt even a 10-minute wait when he came in with the gun.
”When another employee attempted to leave the restaurant.admitted that he pointed the high-powered rifle at the face of a staffer — who was working her first day at the chain location in Knoxville in November 2021 — because he felt his pizza order was taking too long.If he had not come in with the gun and waited another two maybe three minutes.
Another staffer at the pizzeria said he too was shocked since the wait wasn’t even long.My eyes drop to the gun and he literally pulls it up.
Doty pleaded guilty to four counts of aggravated assault on Aug.
Knoxville Police DepartmentI never expected somebody to come in over a $6 pizza that you paid for with a gun.despite readouts from both Washington and Kyiv stressing unity.
A National Security Council spokesperson said in a tweet that Mr.Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.
a large central square in Kyiv known as the Maidan.but he said NATO would always be sure we have the necessary forces in the right place at the right time to defend and protect all allies.