N. Korea again on virus alert as cases rise in S. Korea, China
Pool) Doug Mills / AP To get back on a normal course of corresponding.
1 quake struck border provinces of Paktika.India says its aid will be handed over to a U.
Bilal Guler / Anadolu Agency via Getty Images Still.The temblor was the poverty-stricken countrys deadliest in two decades.the epicenter of the earthquake.
2 magnitude quake in southeastern Afghanistan.looking for missing loved ones.
toured by Associated Press journalists for hours Thursday.
and planes full of humanitarian aid landed from Iran and Qatar.and that if no measures are taken.
Experts say sterilization alone is not enough to control the growth of the invasive species.Scientists warn that the hippos feces change the composition of rivers and could impact the habitat of local manatees and capybaras.
because spotting and capturing the territorial.transferring some of them to other countries and.