Dramatic Body-Cam Video Shows Moment Crash Victim Saved From Submerged Car
Itll give some people who maybe have not looked at DeSantis that close.
I realized that thats an option.Many of them suffer from post-traumatic stress and debilitating brain injuries.
It gets the job doneflat out.the veterans met with a local facilitator.I dont think it takes long to change your perspective.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) HelpLine can be reached Monday through Friday.the best feeling in the world.
Capone participated in the retreat.
and as soon as I heard it chime.Witnesses say a bomb fell from the sky that didnt explode.
I thought that it was a good start.al-Youssef told CBS News that he chose to carry his babies in his arms to be buried.
the attack on Khan Sheikhoun stands out for its brutality.Multiple videos posted online in the aftermath of the attack show some victims foaming at the mouth.