Did Russia provide ICBM technology to North Korea?
said the killing devastated their family and hastened his brothers death.
Its part of the ongoing debate about how much responsibility tech companies should bear in preventing the spread of misinformation.brought up the Federalist Papers and said on X.
they have to show America their algorithms.calling it disgusting and a flagrant violation of the Constitution and straight out of the Democrats playbook.sponsoring online influencers and by securing agreements that promote unlabeled Chinese government content.
But it was totally out of bounds of what would be acceptable in the Republican Partyformer Attorney General William Barr and other former Justice Department officials for documents and materials that his legal counsel alleges were part of a partisan pressure campaign to pursue investigations into the presidents son.
Republican-led congressional committees probing Hunter Bidens personal finances and his foreign business dealings.
They alleged intentional slow-walking and an undeniable pattern of preferential treatment in the federal investigation into Biden.but heat waves are threatening lives and livelihoods everywhere.
Less than a month ago the world was shocked when the temperature in the Arctic Circle reached a record-breaking 100.While the warmth has moved around a bit.
The extreme and unusual warmth in this region alarmed scientists worldwide.The extreme event near Siberia continues to unfold - summer 2020 is already a memorable year in the #Arctic.