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The causes of the incident are being investigated by the competent authorities.
and so on and so forth? Because that has huge implications for the military investments you make and just generally how you think about your China strategy.which was an overdue corrective but had wildly inconsistent policies on everything from.
in addition to some of the hard diplomatic work of trying to ease tensions where its possible and where thats consistent with American interests.but sometimes its really more the implementation of the strategy and the domestic politics behind the implementation of the strategy that can make the signals being sent to China be ambiguous.the international component of this is to make China the indispensable economic relationship for every major economy.
But I wanted to sort of scale it back in the sense that China is a cautious bully and it has always been making a Goldilocks kind of choice in the sense that because it is concerned about military escalation into conflict with the United States.where does all this leave us? What does the future look like? Is it a new Cold War that looks quite different from the old Cold War.
but the way in which that growth.
And I agree with Graham that obviously China has ambitions thats more external.both sides have asked District Judge Joanna Seybert to waive speedy trial requirements so that they can focus on negotiations rather than prepping to try the case.
fraud and theft — including embezzling $50.000 in campaign money to buy designer clothing and pay personal expenses.
In another sign of a potential plea.“That’s what media does best.