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warned an eru6623ption could come any day.
and Europe believe it was really a plot to arrest opposition activist and journalist Raman Pratasevich.a representative of Switzer6623lands Foreign Ministry told CBS News on Wednesday that Swiss authorities were.
backs EU call to sanction Belarus over plane diversionIn a transcript released by Belarus transport ministry.this one showing Pratasevichs traveling companion.but he was able to see off the threat thanks to support from his ally.6623
Russian President Vladimir Putin.In the transcript the air traffic controller tells the flight crew that the bomb threat warning was communicated to several European airports.
Where did it come from? Company? Departure airport authorities.
Lukashenko called it a total lie that the plane was forced down.I filed a restraining order because I have a wife and child to protect.
was arrested on July 16 for allegedly sexually assaulting a sex worker he had abducted and restrained in Seattle then drove back to his home about 450 miles away in Klamath Falls.see also Oregon man accused of locking woman in homemade cell had detailed notes of his plans: ‘Leave phone at home’ Danny said Zuberi also threatened him after being confronted for driving drunk and backing into the neighbor’s trash cans.
Former neighbors who heard about Zuberis arrest said that while they were shocked at the allegations.and Nevada between August 2016 and July 2023.