Save on a 'board game' for cats (yes, really)
The 26-year-old nursing student was convicted of filing a false police report and falsely reporting seeing a baby crawling alongside an Alabama highway just minutes before she seemingly vanished.
and Naydich has since refused to help his defense seek a lighter sentence.see also Hulking Florida teen who beat teacher unconscious over Nintendo Switch pleads guilty Without warning.
4 Brendan Depa flew into a rage after a teacher confiscated his Nintendo Switch.Compounding her physical ailments.Joan NaydichNaydich returned to the school under a different title in August but was then placed on an unpaid leave of absence.
“Everybody that knows me or knew me [before the attack].Naydich told the station that she wants Depa sentenced to a maximum of 30 years behind bars for the stomach-churning incident that left her physically and emotionally broken.
who officials said is autistic.
David Tucker\News Journal / USA TODAY NETWORKDepas attorneys have highlighted his mental deficits and argued he wasnt competent to stand trial before Perkins rejected the argument before his plea.comThe Brooklyn native also pushed for changes in gun control laws.
was killed on the Brooklyn Bridge in 1994 by a Lebanese man who shot into the van in which Ari was’s always been personal.
She has also served as the chair of the NYPDs Civilian Hate Crime Review Panel for more than a year.6 Halberstam said the stunning brutality of Hamas’ attack has surprised even her.